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Fast Cars and Happy Lives

Hey! My name is Erica. I live for one thing and one thing only - driving my car. I have always loved cars so I was super excited when I passed my driving test last year. I decided that I needed to learn everything I could about the world of automobiles so I went down to my local auto club and made some friends. The guys there were really friendly and they took the time to talk about every aspect of owning, modifying, and maintaining a vehicle. I have learnt so much over the past few months, I just had to start a new blog. Enjoy!



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Fast Cars and Happy Lives

Signs Your Vehicle Needs Wheel Alignment

by Roy West

Proper wheel alignment is crucial for the overall performance and safety of your vehicle. When your wheels are misaligned, you may experience issues such as poor handling, uneven tyre wear, and decreased fuel efficiency. To avoid these problems, it's essential to be aware of the signs that your vehicle needs wheel alignment. This post will discuss the indicators that indicate your truck needs a wheel alignment.

Uneven or Rapid Tyre Wear

One of the most obvious signs of misalignment is when you notice uneven or rapid tyre wear. When your wheels are not aligned correctly, they won't make proper contact with the road, causing excessive wear on specific areas of the tyres. You may notice excessive wear on the inner or outer edges of the tyres, indicating a toe-in or toe-out misalignment. Regularly inspect your tyres for uneven tread wear patterns; if you notice any abnormalities, it's a clear sign that your truck needs a wheel alignment.

Vehicle Pulling to One Side

If you find yourself constantly fighting the steering wheel to keep your vehicle moving in a straight line, it's a strong indication of misalignment. When the wheels are not aligned properly, the vehicle may pull to the left or right, even on a flat road. This pulling effect occurs as the misaligned wheels create different levels of resistance on the tyres. If you experience this issue, make sure to schedule a truck wheel alignment service to avoid further damage to your vehicle's suspension components and tyres.

Steering Wheel Vibrations

Another sign of misalignment is steering wheel vibrations. When your wheels are misaligned, they may not rotate smoothly, causing your steering wheel to vibrate or shake while driving. These vibrations can be felt in your hands as you grip the steering wheel and are usually more noticeable at higher speeds. Ignoring these vibrations can lead to more severe problems, including premature tyre wear and potential damage to other components of your vehicle's suspension system.

Off-Centre Steering Wheel

A properly aligned vehicle should have its steering wheel centred when driving in a straight line. If you notice that your steering wheel is off-centre even when your truck is moving straight, it indicates a misalignment issue. This misalignment could be due to improper adjustments of the tie rods or suspension components. Having your wheels aligned by a professional technician will help centre your steering wheel and improve your overall driving experience.

Squealing Tyres

Misaligned wheels can cause excessive friction between the tyres and the road. As a result, you may hear squealing sounds when making turns or manoeuvring your truck. The squealing noise occurs because the tyres scrub against the road surface at an improper angle. If you experience this noise regularly, it's a clear indication that your truck needs a wheel alignment to prevent unnecessary tyre wear and potential damage to the tyres.

For more info about truck wheel alignment, contact a local company. 
