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Fast Cars and Happy Lives

Hey! My name is Erica. I live for one thing and one thing only - driving my car. I have always loved cars so I was super excited when I passed my driving test last year. I decided that I needed to learn everything I could about the world of automobiles so I went down to my local auto club and made some friends. The guys there were really friendly and they took the time to talk about every aspect of owning, modifying, and maintaining a vehicle. I have learnt so much over the past few months, I just had to start a new blog. Enjoy!



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Fast Cars and Happy Lives

Essential Tips for Buying a Diesel Diagnostics Scanner

by Roy West

Landing your first customer as a newbie automotive technician can be quite overwhelming. Nonetheless, you can still take advantage of the under-served logistics sector where diesel trucks need constant mobile diagnostics. Logistics companies understand that diesel trucks are the lifeline of the supply chains across the country. Therefore, optimal performance of trucks is mandatory. As a newbie technician, you can carve a niche by targeting local tracking companies and offering mobile diesel diagnostic services. However, you need a quality diagnostic scanner to provide the service. This article highlights tips for buying a diesel diagnostics scanner.

Access to Free Software Updates

Diesel truck manufacturers constantly develop equipment that enhances performance than predecessor models. Notably, improved performance is often attributed to updates in truck systems. It means that newer truck models have new components to achieve peak performance. Thus, the diagnostic scanner you buy must accommodate the changes. However, it is only possible with a scanner that gets regular software updates for free. It is critical to consider the issue since some scanners only grant you software updates after purchase. If you have a diesel truck scanner that is licensed or configured to receive regular updates free, you can conduct diagnostics on newer trucks with new features.

Access to Deleted Faulty Modules

A diesel diagnostics scanner goes through every module in a vehicle's system after establishing a connection. Depending on the tool's complexity and programming, a scanner can take anything from a few seconds to several minutes to generate a report. Notably, some diesel diagnostic scanners are more advanced than others and indicate possibly deleted or faulty truck modules. It is quite common with used trucks where sellers want to make quick money from unsuspecting buyers. For instance, a logistics company planning to buy a used truck will only check or analyse the hard-copy maintenance report. However, a comprehensive report can be obtained from a diagnostics scanner, revealing previously deleted or faulty modules. Detailed diagnostics go a long way in helping trucking companies spend their money on used trucks in optimal condition.

Faster Refresh Rates

When scanning a diesel truck's engine, you should settle for nothing less than real-time data. Some scanners use a dongle that a driver connects to a port in a truck. The dongle collects and stores performance data that a technician examines once a truck is taken to a garage. However, scanners that offer real-time performance information are the best, especially for mobile diesel engine technicians. It is even better if a scanner has a fast refresh rate, which allows you to monitor an engine's behaviour in quasi-real-time.    
