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Fast Cars and Happy Lives

Hey! My name is Erica. I live for one thing and one thing only - driving my car. I have always loved cars so I was super excited when I passed my driving test last year. I decided that I needed to learn everything I could about the world of automobiles so I went down to my local auto club and made some friends. The guys there were really friendly and they took the time to talk about every aspect of owning, modifying, and maintaining a vehicle. I have learnt so much over the past few months, I just had to start a new blog. Enjoy!



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Fast Cars and Happy Lives

Are You Sure That Your Car Battery Is to Blame?

by Roy West

Could the humble battery be the most maligned component on a typical car? It may be so, as most people tend to blame this part whenever their car or truck seems to be reluctant to fire up in the morning. In fact, the lamp on your dashboard may be partly to blame, as whenever an issue with your starting system comes to the fore, an icon that looks like a battery will suddenly glow red. In truth, an issue here is far more likely to be associated with an entirely different component, so if you are playing the blame game, where should you look instead?

Needing Help

The battery is essentially a power storage unit that is meant to provide a high level of energy for one particular purpose -- to kick the engine into life. It can certainly store the amount of power needed to begin this process, but it does rely on a much more crucial component to help it through its cycle. Without the alternator, the battery would not last very long at all, and your issue is far more likely to be linked to this generator than to the battery itself.

Focus on the Alternator

Once the engine is running, the alternator will keep the battery topped up so that it can continue to provide energy to the vehicle and all its ancillaries. If it were not for the alternator, the battery would quickly run out and would go dark, leaving you stranded by the side of the road. You might be able to push start the vehicle with the help of a passer-by, but without the alternator, the battery would quickly die out again and leave you in the same position.

Under Pressure

The alternator is a well-made component, but it is not designed to last forever. The diodes that provide the means to alternate and regulate the power deteriorate with time, especially as they are subject to a great amount of heat during normal operation. Furthermore, the internal rotor and associated bearings can also wear out as the months go by. After all, the rotor has to turn at high speed in order to generate power, and eventually it will start to exhibit signs of an issue. In this case, you may notice a squealing or screeching noise whenever you try to start the vehicle.

Simple Test

You can check if your alternator is on its way out by conducting a simple test. With the engine running, turn on the headlights and then "rev" the engine, with the vehicle in a stationary position. If the light tends to grow brighter as you apply power and then seems to fade when you let off, you should place a call to your mechanic to book an appointment.
